me and my bro.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Journey

Vanesa Cruz is, bottom line, your dream girl.  She is stunningly beautiful, has a job that she loves, has plenty of money, drives a nice car, and is engaged to what others deem the perfect man.  All of these things are what the world sees.  However, Vanesa's life is far from perfect.  Her "perfect" fiance is a nightmare when they are alone.  He's been cheating on her for 2 years (the reason that their not married yet) and tends to have angry fits which leads to him hitting her.  She doesn't want to get rid of him and put the effort into finding someone new.  However, a new counselor has arrived at the place she works.  Aleck's not the typical guy she goes for, but she notices that she's falling for him every day.  Her fiance has been noticing that she's been spending a lot of time at work and is getting suspicious and angry.  Aleck invites her to leave to Florida with him the upcoming summer.  She decides that's the best choice for her and she does it, leaving behind a psychopath fiance that refuses to let her go completely.

Hero:  Aleck
Ordinary World:  Her "dream" life.  Engaged against her will, working, trying to get by emotionally.
Call to Adventure:  Meets Aleck at work. He gives her an offer she can't refuse.
Special World:  Florida.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great story. I hate her stupid fiancee and hope she and Aleck end up happy together, but I'm also worried the fiancee might track them down. Great job!
