me and my bro.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Story Song - "Birds" by Kate Nash

Song Title:  Birds
Song Artist:  Kate NashLink to lyrics

A guy and a girl struggle to get on a train, they finally manage, she's worried about impressing him and he goes to all this length to tell her how he feels about her but she doesn't understand so he has to try over and over again and doesn't get the response he wants in the end.

Ticket inspector

The girl was waiting at the train station for this boy.  He finally gets off but he doesn't have a ticket so he has to "bum through the barriers again".  He finally manages to get through and they board a bus together.  The real conflict of this song is what is next.  He has really strong feelings about her and he decides to tell her how he is feeling.  This guy is too scared to tell her how much he likes her explicitly so he puts it into the form of a metaphor with birds.  She doesn't understand it at all. So he has to try again and again.

Not expressing yourself clearly could be detrimental.

Train Station
On the bus


  1. This song threw me off a bit, when I listened to it.. I felt rather complexed. But it didn't have a hard story line to catch on, which happens to be fantastic! Good Job-
    Papa Burgundy

  2. Thanks Papa. Yeah... Chose it purely because it had an easy story line. But I've changed my mind.

    I'm going to to the whole adaptation thing on the song "Brick" by Ben Folds.

  3. I love that song. I loved it before I even knew what it was about. Isn't it about an abortion?

    Hm. Well, even if it's not, it's a good song. I'm eager to read your adaptation of the song.

  4. I was hard to catch the story line the first time i listened...good song! Your interpritation helped me to understand better!
